With summer quickly upon, we can’t wait to slow down and have more time with our kids. It’s also not a time for screens of any kind. Below, we are sharing some of our favorite ways to make the most of your summer by going back to basics.
- Get regular sunlight: Being stuck behind a screen leaves little room to get the much-needed vitamin D. Of course when you get sun exposure make sure to use mineral sunscreens that contain sun blockers — Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide. Check out the EWG’s Guide to Sunscreens for the most updated info on the safest brands to use on the market.
- Enjoy nature: We love to take nature walks with our kids. This is especially enjoyable in the summer when the trees are bursting with colors where we can enjoy a low-impact exercise together, breath and soak in the beauty of it all.
- Try out some new healthy recipes: Summer is a great time to enjoy lighter – and still healthy – dishes. Some of our favorites include Violet Blueberry Banana Smoothie, Homemade Fruit Popsicles, and Kid-Friendly Kale Chips! The main thing is to experiment with veggies, fruits, and herbs – with a focus on fresh, seasonal ingredients.
- Get moving: Summer is all about being outdoors. Use this time to encourage your kids to move and try new activities.
- Enjoy your time together: Time together is your most precious gift. Enjoy this time with them by doing new activities, trying a hobby, or simply enjoying each other’s conversation. As the saying goes, it all does go by so fast.
- Read a good book together: Have a family book club this summer where you pick one book that you read together. When you’re done, come together to share your ideas about the book.
- Foster conversation: With the busy school year, it can be challenging to have deep conversations with our kids. Take this slow-down time to reflect, pause, and talk to one another.
Have a happy and healthy summer.