The Book


A sticky, gummy villain. A powerful, green superhero A courageous young boy. When they meet for an epic battle at school, the outcome is by no means clear. Who will win the battle for wellness? Will the students discover their own superpowers before everything unravels? An exciting story of good versus evil, The Adventures of Veggieman: Food Fight! will help children connect with their own story of wellness and choice and will help parents, educators, and caregivers start the conversation about everyday choices for health. Get to know the characters! One side creates chaos and confusion; the other stands for health and vitality.

Designed for kids ages 6-9 years old. Parents, children, and educators will discover an empowering, uplifting journey where every child will learn how to use their own superpower to make healthy choices.


Strong and steady, he has the
power to heal!


Shimmery and powerful and
very, very clean.


He knows what needs to be
done… But can he do it?

Ms. Chickpea

An undercover operative with
attitude and information.

Fruit & Veggie Troops

The tastiest hunger busters,
reporting for duty!

Mr. Gummo

The more junk kids eat, the more powerful
he becomes! He has a large army of
junk food that tastes good but does bad.

About the Author

Karla Farach de Athanasopoulos was born in the Dominican Republic and grew up eating real food. Processed, sugary options were always the third or fourth choice. She has been passionate about nutrition and wellness all her life and believes in the importance of creating consciousness about healthy eating from a very young age. Her passion for good food grew as she married and became the mother of two boys.

After years of reading to her own children, she knew that a picture book would be the most powerful, playful way to reach children with the important message of wellness. Her first book, The Adventures of Veggieman: Food Fight!, was written to create awareness about the detrimental effect of junk food and how choices impact health and long-term wellbeing.

Always reading and researching, Karla is a curator of information: she casts a wide net and questions everything, pulling together expert opinions and distilling science into usable information for families. Her greatest goal is to have children be involved in their own superhero story of health. She is a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and has received certification in many other aspects of nutrition. She also holds a Master’s degree in business.


ISBN: 978-1-64543-356-9
Distributed by: Mascot Books, Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Follett, and American West.
Karla Farach is available for interviews, events, and appearances. For press inquiries or to request a review copy of The Adventures of Veggieman: Food Fight, please send us an Email to

For bulk purchase inquiries, please contact Caitie Merico at

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    From Best-Selling, Award-Winning Author, Karla Farach

    The Adventures of Veggieman: Food Fight! Is a Revolutionary Children’s Book that Promotes Healthy Eating for Kids. 

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