Mompreneur | Interview with Karla Farach of

Mompreneur | Interview with Karla Farach of

Author, Karla Farach is the CEO of Mothers of Health, LLC, a company she founded to inspire women and parents to adopt healthier lifestyles. She is passionate about nutrition and wellness and is certified as a health and life coach by the institute of Integrative Nutrition. Farach was born and raised in the Dominican Republic and lives in Greenwich, Connecticut with her husband and two sons. Farach’s favorite vegetable is kale.

How many children do you have and what are their ages?
I have two wonderful boys, ages 12 and 10 years old.

What is the inspiration behind your brand and product?
My main inspiration is children’s wellness. Children deserve to be happy, healthy and to have a good quality of life. My other inspiration is you – mothers and parents that struggle to make sure their children are doing well and are healthy and thriving in life. The struggle when making the right choices. The struggle when parents see their children falling into the obesity epidemic and that can’t or don’t know what to do or how to approach it. When parents are looking for tools and answers, is here to help.

Also, as I grown the Veggieman brand, the idea is to identify supplementary products needed by parents looking for on this crusade for health. I want to find the best way to serve these needs through Veggieman.

How have your children shaped your business model?
My children were my inspiration from day one. They inspired me to write the first book and they are continuing to inspire me to write the next works in “The Adventures of Veggieman.” They inspire me to be a better person every day.
They have been the motivation behind and my mission to help parents navigate the sometimes-complicated world of raising healthy children. I want to ease the struggle to raise healthy happy children. It’s not easy to find answers or the right tools and products to accomplish this. I observe my children; I constantly speak to them to get their point of view, their opinions, what they like and dislike, what they follow, their complaints, their struggles, and my struggles with them. All this guides me every day on how I make decisions.

What challenges have you faced as a mompreneur and how have you overcome them?
The reality is that it’s a myth that we mothers can do it all. Something is always sacrificed. We want to be good moms, wives, friends and daughters and we want to look good doing it. You name it, we want it, but the reality is that it’s not possible to do it all well. The main challenge is time. To use time well, we need to learn to say no, and to be able to say no, you need to have your priorities in place. Prioritizing focusing and organizing is how you overcome this challenge.

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    From Best-Selling, Award-Winning Author, Karla Farach

    The Adventures of Veggieman: Food Fight! Is a Revolutionary Children’s Book that Promotes Healthy Eating for Kids. 

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